Friday, October 7, 2022

River Running

The provo river is quite a trip for the family tradition. We gather all the tubes that we have and drift down the river.It has been a exciting journey not knowing what is around the bend. I admire my children and their gusto to go. I love the beautiful surroundings and the thought of fishing on the banks with the fly fishermen brings me to a new element. I dont like the inital getting in the freezing cold water but enjoy the numbing effect . Then it seems all ok until your hands freeze and it's hard to paddle well. It's all in the fun.Till next year we look forward to the fun.
Life has brought me simple miracles daily and only when I look for them are they found .
I am missing those in heaven lately and reflect upon their lives and lifestyles. They are Dear to me and hold dear memories. I hope that one day when I pass away that my posterity and others will gleam from some of the light I have received in this life. There has been a lot of real lives with great tragedy and sadness all around and this makes me count my blessings daily and reflect on the journey I have taken.

The tribe

Life's.....Pleasures and Treasures.

My sowing my sorrows my thrills and frills. My tumbles and rumbles. My bumps and crumps. My joy My Life.

....Life without family would be hard for me. I wonder how hard it is going to be alone one day after all are grown this saddens me . Grandkids! I am grateful for this crazy bunch of kids . That God has sent me for me to grow with and how true. I love each and everyone of them. They are the shadow of my life.